Markham Lumber is a small family owned sawmill specializing in rough-sawn lumber. We have been in continuous operation since 1945.
We custom saw each order so call or email us your needs and we will quote a price and availability. Pine pricing starts at just $1.00 per board foot for standard dimension "mill run" (ungraded) items.
Please call ahead if you would like to visit the mill as we are often out cutting trees.
Don't forget us for your tree service needs. We offer a full range of services at the lowest price. Click on the tree service link for more information.
Finally, you can probably tell that we are not experienced webmasters. We are, however, excellent lumberjacks. Click on the "contact us" link and you will be connected directly with one of the owners.
Nate slicing up some native white cedar
Load of white pine from Lynnfield, MA
Off the truck and into the sawmill
First pass through the saw
Load of timbers for a post & beam barn in Ipswich, MA